Thursday 9 January 2020

roblox blog post #2

Roblox Blog Tutorial, Negating and detailing                      By James Dickson

Gamelink used:


This is what i've been working on, this is a room that i put lost of detail in, here u can see i used many tools in it and i will show u what tools i used

     i used these three tools, union, negate and separate

When you have a block selected you will get a blue outline like this

once u have it selected with the blue outline, go to the model tab at the top and u should see negate, click that and the block will turn transparent and red

 once its red put in a solid block and Shift + LClick both, or select both, then click union, it was put a hole in the sold = to the size of the negate block

and i used this for detailing

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