Tuesday 21 January 2020

Roblox day #5

today i was adding more detail (yes i know more detail) to my cave, level, later in this blog post you can see the thing i learned that helped me do this.

Here is one of the walls, i added colored bricks with the concrete texture to make it caved like

 Here is the other one of the walls, this is just a different angle of the same type of concept

here is the bottom ill add a zoomed up photo below, but you can see i added details in the floor by making square/rectangle type cuts out of the floor and the walls, to make it look old

Here is the floor, you can see i used the union tool to add cuts/gash's taken out of the bottom

here is the wall, i feel the wall looks super cool and unique as its no just flat, the depth makes it pop out

what did i learn

When the collision box as seen above is highlighted, the  blocks can't go inside eachother, meaning you can put much deatil into your build, or atleast not as simply as most people who use this tool

When your both isnt highlighted it mean's objects in studio can collide and make it so u can do extra deatail or move the blocks location more simply

Roblox Day #4

Today i used the union tool (seen on day #2) to add more detail as seen in the following photos

Here you can see i made the walls have more Depth to them then before and all and all making it look way better

Here you can see i made depth as well as built a scene into the wall
the scene in the wall is paint the picture of a miner who was digging out a hole and stopped mid way, as you can see by the pickaxe like swings at the top

What will i do tomorrow
     tomorrow i will try to learn more about it as well as make my level be more harder than it is

Roblox Day #3

I learned today truss (object that allows you to climb cannot be shrunk in width, but can however be moved/ajusted via height
truss is seen here ----->
As well as that i learned that you can change the object moving and shrinking size, how to do that is seen in the gif below

Tmmr i will try to learn more and upgrade me level more

Thursday 9 January 2020

roblox blog post #2

Roblox Blog Tutorial, Negating and detailing                      By James Dickson

Gamelink used:https://www.roblox.com/games/4584495093/Obby-For-Tutorials


This is what i've been working on, this is a room that i put lost of detail in, here u can see i used many tools in it and i will show u what tools i used

     i used these three tools, union, negate and separate

When you have a block selected you will get a blue outline like this

once u have it selected with the blue outline, go to the model tab at the top and u should see negate, click that and the block will turn transparent and red

 once its red put in a solid block and Shift + LClick both, or select both, then click union, it was put a hole in the sold = to the size of the negate block

and i used this for detailing

Tuesday 7 January 2020


What Did You Do Today: I made a starting gui for my game as seen here

Here Is The Script that make it work

What Did You Learn?
Today i learned that before u can make something do a function u have to state their propert at the top, i learned the hard way

the property is shown here

What will you do tomorrow? Your plan for learning and advancing...
tomorrow im planning on making portal that teleport the player to 3 games, each with its own difficulty, easy medium, hard