Wednesday 18 September 2019

photoshop #2


                            i opened photo shop put the photo of the parrot and thanos, lined them up,used the color balance paired with hue and saturation , got the color ight, blurred it, and upload it

Photoshop #3


                                              1. I opened photoshop

                                              2. i got the photos of 02 and a hairless cat and the enderdragon

                                              3. i cropped the head off of 02
                                              4. i put the head of 02 onto the hairless cat

                                              5. i selected everything but her eyes and used the copy stamp add skin

                                              6. i blurred  the neck

                                              7. i added the wings and selected the black areas

                                              8. i used the copy tool and put skin in the selected area

                                              9. boom your done

Wednesday 11 September 2019

photo shop #2


                                                            how Did i Do This?

 I Opened Photoshop, Cropped the frogs head, removed background, Blurred the sharp edges

Clone stamped some of the frog onto the crocodile, Burned the shadow onto the ground to make it look like the head was always there, saved it, and uploaded it onto the blog.

Monday 9 September 2019

Thursday 5 September 2019

My Predicted Grade

         Image result for letter b gif

Image result for 8 gifImage result for 0 gifImage result for %

My Predicted Grade